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  • Twoway bar chart with range - ERROR too few variables specified*

    Hey All,

    I am trying to make a graph with colored bars that shade in specific ranges of years which are on the x axis. The Y axis should go to 100 and all the bars should be the same height. I am getting the error too few variables specified. Any suggestions? Here is the code: clear
    cd "S:\Julianna M\policybars"

    * Sample data generation
    input str30 type_category year start_year end_year
    "recession" 2001 2001 2002
    "recession" 2007 2007 2009
    "recession" 2020 2020 2021
    "medicaid_expansion" 2014 2014 2030
    "csr_reduction" 2017 2017 2018
    "silver_loading" 2018 2018 2026

    * Convert to numeric values
    gen start_date = mdy(1, 1, start_year)
    gen end_date = mdy(12, 31, end_year)

    * Create a unique numeric identifier for each time period within each type_category
    egen time_variable = group(type_category year)

    * Create a binary variable indicating the start and end of each event
    gen event_start = 1 if time_variable == start_date
    gen event_end = -1 if time_variable == end_date

    * Calculate cumulative sum of the events
    gen cum_sum = sum(event_start + event_end)

    * Generate bar chart
    twoway bar cum_sum if inrange(year, 2001, 2002), barwidth(2) barcolor(blue) ///
    || ///
    bar cum_sum if inrange(year, 2007, 2009), barwidth(2) barcolor(green) ///
    || ///
    bar cum_sum if inrange(year, 2020, 2021), barwidth(2) barcolor(red) ///
    || ///
    bar cum_sum if inrange(year, 2014, 2030), barwidth(2) barcolor(yellow) ///
    || ///
    bar cum_sum if inrange(year, 2017, 2018), barwidth(2) barcolor(orange) ///
    || ///
    bar cum_sum if inrange(year, 2018, 2026), barwidth(2) barcolor(purple) ///
    , ///
    title("Policy Events Bar Chart") ///
    ylabel(0(20)120) ///
    ytitle("Number Employees") ///
    xtitle("Years (Increasing by 2)") ///
    xlab(2001(2)2026) ///
    legend(order(1 "2001-2002" 2 "2007-2009" 3 "2020-2021" 4 "2014-2030" 5 "2017-2018" 6 "2018-2026")) ///

  • #2
    Such a bar chart needs an x variable as well as a y variable.

